What are portable escape games?

What the entertainment business needs to know about portable escape games. Your customers will say, "Wow"!
Find out the answer to this question and other details in this article.

A business idea for the entertainment industry

Add interactive quest attractions to your business. It is an innovative entertainment equipment with light, sound, and electromechanical effects. They will be a fresh, innovative idea that will attract new visitors and strengthen your business. Unique. Your competitors do not have it.

Unlocking the secrets to maximize your escape room empire 

Buckle up! We're about to dive into a goldmine of strategies that'll turn your escape room into an income-generating powerhouses

How to use portable escape game

If you have an entertainment business, portable escape games will help increase your business performance or become a separate, self-sufficient line of business. Find out the answer to this question and other details in this article.

About Alexei and his experience in the escape room industry

Aleksei and his partner are one of our record holders in terms of payback period, who, with their approach to business in the entertainment industry, returned their investment in 2 months.

Kids VS Castle of Memories

How we experimented with the Castle of Memories in an aggressive environment in a family entertainment center, where the players are children under 10 and their parents.

What went wrong as we planned?

6 ways to wow your customers 

Ever think discounts are the be-all and end-all for attracting customers? 

Think again! We will explain why slashing prices isn't always the way to go, and reveal some super creative, wallet-friendly ways to charm your customers.

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