Бизнес идея игровой зоны, которой еще нет в твоем городе


Мы, компания ProducED Studio, производим new-generation квест аттракционы в различных тематиках для бизнеса в индустрии развлечений. 

Это такие аттракционы, в которых игроки являются главными героями сюжета, тактильно взаимодействуют с артефактами, разгадывают головоломки и от их действий зависит развитие сюжетной линии. Также погружение в игру достигается за счет автоматизированных механизмов и световых и звуковых эффектов, которые реагируют на действия игроков. Аттракцион автоматизирован, самостоятельно взаимодействует с игроками без участия обслуживающего персонала.

Эта бизнес-модель существует уже много столетий. Вы покупаете квест аттракцион дл своего бизнеса и сдаете его населению.

Or a cinema. The customer rents a movie on the big screen for several hours when it suits him. The advantage for the customer is that he does not need to equip and maintain his cinema to have fun watching it a few times a year. 

When creating our attractions, we rely on a model consisting of 4 elements. You can see it as a triangle below.

  • WHAT? Value proposition. What do you offer to your customers (product, service)?
  • WHY? Why does the company generate profit? Why is the business model commercially viable?
  • HOW? How do you create value for a product or service? Description of the value chain.
  • WHO? Who are your target customers? At the heart of any business model is the customer.

*We marked the answers to the questions of the triangle with colors in the text below.

portable escape games

The movie is an attraction, as are portable escape games from ProducED Studio. The purpose of such an attraction is to distract the customer from everyday affairs, to entertain, impress, surprise, and immerse in the plot. But unlike the movie, in our portable games, customers are not outside observers but in the plot, where they tactilely interact with artifacts, solve puzzles and develop the storyline depending on their actions. Also, immersion in the game is achieved through automated mechanisms and light and sound effects that respond to the player's actions. The attraction is automated and independently interacts with the players without staff.

Why is the business model commercially viable?

  1. It is not reasonable for customers to buy a portable quest attraction at home, but they want to play them to celebrate some events in entertainment centers.
  2. Our company, ProducED Studio, does not sell the same games to cities with a small population. Thus, we guarantee exclusivity and leadership over competitors.

To implement the business model, 

the owner needs to:

  • Tell your customer base and new customers about the possibilities that portable escape games provide.
  • Provide convenient access to games to customers who want to have fun in a circle of friends, colleagues, or family.

When developing equipment, we take into account a different age audience. We use intuitive game puzzles. The software game algorithm brings each team to the final in a fixed time to get bright, positive emotions from the players at the end of the game. Therefore, our attraction audience is broad - teenagers and families with children 7+, colleagues, and teams of friends from 18 to 60+.

Limited production

To date, the main advantage is that with a probability of 95% of this equipment, you will not meet competitors in your city. And you can be the first to offer your customers portable escape games from ProducED Studio.


You can test this business model with just one portable escape game and subsequently expand the range to a full-fledged gaming area.



If you want to test the escape games business


Profit per month / 1 escape game

  • The additional source of income to combine with your existing business or to test this new business direction
  • All estimations were done according to the minimal amount of sales – 2 bookings which are 13% of 15 available bookings per day
  • 6.900$ 1 escape game                                 (mid-size)
  • 850$ Shipping (depends on your country)
  • 100$ Unexpected costs
  • +25$ approx ticket price / player
  • -80$ rent 8 sq.m./ month
  • -480$ staff’s salary / month
  • -400$ AD campaign/ month
  • -100$ unexpected costs / month
  • -690$ profit tax 20% / month
  • PAYBACK PERIOD – 3 months 


If you know how to sell or have a customer base


Profit per month / 4 escape games

  • Use as a self-sufficient business or combine with an existing business. Business automation
  • All estimations were done according to the minimal amount of sales – 9 bookings which are 15% of 60 available bookings per day
  • 38.200$ 4 escape games
    (3 mid-size & 1 big-size)
  • 2.800$ Shipping (depends on your country)
  • 1.500$ Renovation
  • +25$ approx ticket price / player
  • -450$ rent 45 sq.m./ month
  • -2.800$ staff’s salary / month
  • -800$ AD campaign/ month
  • -400$ unexpected costs / month
  • -3.150$ profit tax 20% / month
  • PAYBACK PERIOD – 3,5 months 


If you are a professional in an entertainment industry with a large customer base


Profit per month / 6 escape games

  • Use as a self-sufficient business or combine with an existing business. Business automation
  • All estimations were done according to the minimal amount of sales – 14 bookings which are 16% of 90 available bookings per day
  • 62.600$ 6 escape games
    (4 mid-size & 2 big-size)
  • 4.000$ Shipping (depends on your country)
  • 2.300$ Renovation
  • +25$ approx ticket price / player
  • -700$ Rent 70 sq.m./ month
  • -3.500$ staff’s salary / month
  • -1.200$ AD campaign/ month
  • -600$ unexpected costs / month
  • -5.100$ profit tax 20% / month
  • PAYBACK PERIOD – 3,5 months 
all games


Castle of Memories

limited edition

The dragon asks to help the young wizard and return his memories. To do this, you need to solve puzzles and collect artifacts in the rooms of the magic castle.

  • 30 puzzles
  • 17 rooms
  • 40+ fairy tale characters
  • 52+ light effects
  • 25+ sound effects
  • size 105x80x120 cm
  • weight 52 kg
  • 5 audio languages
  • 60-90 minutes of play
  • 55 automatic audio hints
  • 360-degree game space
  • comfortable for 1-5 players
  • WI-FI remote control panel

Wizard's chest


To save the young sorcerer and his friends, you need to uncover the secret of the chest and destroy the crystals of the evil wizard. The outcome of the battle between good and bad magicians depends on this.

  • 13 puzzles
  • 7 caches
  • 8 game items
  • 11 light effects
  • 23+ sound effects
  • size 75x40x38 cm
  • weight 28 kg
  • 6 audio languages
  • 60 minutesof play
  • 40 automatic audio hints
  • 8+ background music
  • comfortable for 1-4 players
  • WI-FI remote control panel

Dead Man's chest

portable escape game

Adventurers, with the help of the spirit of an old pirate, seek to take possession of the treasure of the Dead Man's Chest and, in the finale, receive a totem that grants immortality.

  • 11 puzzles
  • 7 caches
  • 13 game items
  • 7 light effects
  • 16+ sound effects
  • size 75x40x40 cm
  • weight 29 kg
  • 5 audio languages
  • 60 minutesof play
  • 35 automatic audiohints
  • 5+ background music
  • comfortable for 1-4 players
  • WI-FI remote control panel

What are portable escape games?

What the entertainment business needs to know about portable escape games. Your customers will say, "Wow"!
Find out the answer to this question and other details in this article.

How to use portable escape game.

If you have an entertainment business, portable escape games will help increase your business performance or become a separate, self-sufficient line of business. Find out the answer to this question and other details in this article.

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